ReBlog: My Top 10 Favorite Children’s Books (That I Own)

As a teacher, and now as a mom I have a love for children’s books. I own hundreds and use them within my classroom. Soon, I will be reading them to my son. Check out my top 10 favorite children’s books! 


  1. Llama llama and the Bully Goat 
  2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 
  3. The Kissing Hand 
  4. Read and Share Bible 
  5. Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom 
  6. M is for Michigan 
  7. That’s Not My Sloth 
  8. You Complete Me 
  9. Horton Hears a Who? 
  10. The Family Book 

Did your favorite children’s book make the list? Comment below!

My Summer Bucket List in Review

Hi friends! As I’ve been tying up some loose ends and wrapping up 2022, I realized, I NEVER posted my summer bucket list in review. I am so sorry! This year has been such a whirlwind and transitional period that I truly just forgot. Anyway, better late than never right?

  1. Grow a Garden and produce fruits, veggies and spices. ❎
  2. Go on some sort of family adventure (the zoo, the beach, the park, garage sailing, tulip festival etc.) ❎
  3. Establish a more consistent daytime routine for my Baby (Naps, feedings, playtime, tummy time, etc.) ✅
  4. Publish my Memoir ❎
  5. Start a weekly Yoga Routine ❎
  6. Finish Knitting Charles Sweater ❎
  7. Finish Reading the Entire Bible ❎
  8. Reorganize my Bathroom ❎
  9. Commit to going on Family Walks at least once a week, ❎
  10. Create some New Recipes ❎
  11. Introduce solid foods to my Baby ✅
  12. Start teaching Baby Sign Language in our Home. ✅
  13. Spend more time with my Family and Friends ✅
  14. Do Art Projects with my Baby ❎
  15. Reach 425 Written Blog Posts ❎

As you can see, I did not meet many goals on my bucket list this past summer. But you know what, I’m okay with that. Shortly, after having my son, I had many mom friends tell me The first year is just survival mode, especially with your first baby. So, I’m going to give myself grace. I’ve survived the summer and almost completely survived my first year as a mom. There will many other summers in the future I’m sure, that I will be able to set and accomplish goals on my bucket list. Until then I’m going to keep surviving and keep thriving.

Seeing the Vision Through…

Two years ago, I was an entirely different person. I was a newly college graduated, preschool teaching, fur mama, and wife. I struggled with grief on a daily and finding my purpose in the midst of the uncertainty that lie ahead. I aspired to be great. I aspired to do many things, but the one thing I wanted and dreamed more than anything was to be a mom.

Today I am a stay at home mom, blogger and aspiring writer. In many ways I’ve made it and in other ways, I’m still working on it one day at a time.

I remember the day I created this vision board, two years ago. I went to the dollar store and bought some poster board. The next day I got up early on a sunny Saturday morning, pulled out my scrapbooking stuff and went to work. I created a vision. I displayed through art the desires of my heart to be a mother. I had no idea how it would play out, but I knew with even the tiniest bit of faith, God would see me, God would hear me and He would grant me the desires of my heart as long as it was according to His will.

As hard as the waiting season was, I’m so glad I never lost faith. 💛

My Summer 2022 Bucket List Check In!

I probably say this every year, but how on earth is it July??? Not only this summer, but this entire year is flying by! Anyway, here’s a quick check in of my goals and how I’m doing. 😊

  1. Grow a Garden and produce fruits, veggies and spices.

So, since we are currently staying with family, we haven’t quite got the plants in the ground yet… but we do have plants. Does that count? We have a little bit of an over population with the bunnies that we need to figure out before we try growing our fruits, veggies and spices.

2. Go on some sort of family adventure (the zoo, the beach, the park, garage sailing, tulip festival etc.)

This summer has already been so hot, that I have been hesitant about taking our son out as I don’t want him to get dehydrated. I’m hoping it can cool down soon and we can find something fun to do.

3. Establish a more consistent daytime routine for my Baby (Naps, feedings, playtime, tummy time, etc.)

Umm… yes and no. Every time I think we are starting to have a schedule, something always changes. I have discovered within the last few weeks that I have to limit Matthew’s naps. I also have to make sure his last nap isn’t too late in the day, otherwise he does not sleep well at night.

4. Publish my Memoir

I’m working on it okay. Writing and self publishing a book is hard.

5. Start a weekly Yoga Routine

Let’s not go there.

6. Finish Knitting Charles Sweater

It’s been a little too hot to knit these days.

7. Finish Reading the Entire Bible

Currently working on Isaiah, and hoping to start another book soon.

8. Reorganize my Bathroom

My bathroom isn’t really mine at the moment, since I’m sharing it with other people, so this goal is on hold for now.

9. Commit to going on Family Walks at least once a week,

Again it’s been too hot. But we have gone a few times, just not every week.

10. Create some New Recipes

I haven’t really had a chance to cook since moving, but I am hoping to do this very soon.

11. Introduce solid foods to my Baby ✔️

This has been a huge hit in our house. We have been trying solid foods since 4.5 months and so far Matthew has tried bananas, apples, prunes, peas, carrots, chicken, peaches, pears, cereal and butternut squash. We are hoping to try avocado and sweet potato next.

12. Start teaching Baby Sign Language in our Home. ✔️

Since starting on solids, we have also been teaching baby sign language. The signs we’ve used so far include milk, more and all done. Matthew hasn’t signed any of these back to us quite yet, but soon enough I’m sure he will.

13. Spend more time with my Family and Friends ✔️

As we’ve been staying with family, I have been able to spend more time with family and friends. ❤️

14. Do Art Projects with my Baby ✔️

Let me tell you, this has been an adventure. So far we had done foot print crafts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Let’s just say Momma wore a lot of blue paint. I think Matthew had fun though.

15. Reach 425 Written Blog Posts

I’m still in the 300’s as far as blog posts but we’ll get there.

3 out of 15 goals met. That’s a pretty good start!

My Summer 2022 Bucket List

Another Summer, means another Bucket List! This summer is going to be interesting having a mobile infant around. I’m excited to see the many adventures and activities we’ll have together as a family 🙂

My Summer 2022 Bucket List
  1. Grow a Garden and produce fruits, veggies and spices.
  2. Go on some sort of family adventure (the zoo, the beach, the park, garage sailing, tulip festival etc.)
  3. Establish a more consistent daytime routine for my Baby (Naps, feedings, playtime, tummy time, etc.)
  4. Publish my Memoir ❤️
  5. Start a weekly Yoga Routine
  6. Finish Knitting Charles Sweater
  7. Finish Reading the Entire Bible
  8. Reorganize my Bathroom
  9. Commit to going on Family Walks at least once a week,
  10. Create some New Recipes
  11. Introduce solid foods to my Baby
  12. Start teaching Baby Sign Language in our Home.
  13. Spend more time with my Family and Friends
  14. Do Art Projects with my Baby
  15. Reach 425 Written Blog Posts

This Summer is going to be fun! I can’t wait!!! ☀️

How to Style a Bookshelf

I think bookshelves can be so pretty. It’s practically art when you take the time to decorate and organize pieces of your home. Here are a few tips I use to style a bookshelf


1. Don’t clutter your bookshelf with just books.

2. Add some decor such as a sign, a picture frame or even a faux plant.

3. Make your book placement intentional. Whether you organize your books alphabetically, by genre, or simply tallest to smallest, make it intentional. Don’t make it look like you just tossed them up there.

4. Add some sort of space for treasures or basic household items, such as a small box or 3 tier drawer.

5. Adding notebooks, paper and pens looks great too!

6. Finally, add something above your bookshelf that catches the eye, such as an inspiring quote, a clock or a piece of artwork.

And ta-da! You now have a stylish bookshelf!!!