ReBlog: My Top 10 Favorite Children’s Books (That I Own)

As a teacher, and now as a mom I have a love for children’s books. I own hundreds and use them within my classroom. Soon, I will be reading them to my son. Check out my top 10 favorite children’s books! 


  1. Llama llama and the Bully Goat 
  2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 
  3. The Kissing Hand 
  4. Read and Share Bible 
  5. Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom 
  6. M is for Michigan 
  7. That’s Not My Sloth 
  8. You Complete Me 
  9. Horton Hears a Who? 
  10. The Family Book 

Did your favorite children’s book make the list? Comment below!

Happy New Year! This Year’s Goals of the Year and More!

It’s 2023! Happy New Year friends! I can’t believe my baby is almost a year old! Where did the time go??? Any who… this year I’ve got plans, like I always do. I always like to reach big for the goals I set for myself each year. However, I also want to bring into the new year something I learned from 2022, and that is flexibility. Last year, I was challenged to be flexible with my time, money, plans, parenting and expectations. This year I’m going to try and continue to keep that flexibility at times, as hard as it is for me not to be a control freak.

This year I am setting 10 goals for myself. These are 10 goals that I hope to be intentional as well as manageable. Without further or do, here are my goals for 2023!

My Goals for 2023

1. Buy a House

This is the big one. This is the one I want to come true the most! We have been saving up and looking for the perfect starter home for our little family. My hope is to find our home and move in before summer, if not by the end of the year.

2. Go on a Family Trip

I would like to go on at least one family trip this year, even if it’s just a day trip. A few ideas I have include the zoo, northern Michigan, Great a Wolf Lodge, the apple orchard, the dairy farm or Mackinac.

3. Publish one of my Books

I said this in my last post. This goal will be on this list until I complete it!

4. Decorate my New Home

This one goes along with my first goal. But it’s honestly what I am most excited about with getting a new home. We get to decorate and make it our own!

5. Get my Eyes Checked

Now, at first glance you guys might think this is a dumb goal. But give me a moment to explain. The last time I had my eyes checked was in 2018. It’s been 5 years. I need my eyes checked and I really need new glasses. I’m just terrified of going to the eye doctor, for reasons I will share in a future post. So this is a big deal for me, but I gotta do it.

6. Start Our Homesteading Lifestyle

I’ve mentioned in previous posts how I am very interested in homesteading and would eventually like to have my own garden/green house, chicken coup with laying egg hens, and a goat or two for goat milk. I realize I can’t begin this lifestyle until we are moved into our new home. However, I would like to at least begin the process of homestead living by continuing to research and maybe even start buying supplies.

7. Host a Party or Family Gathering

As we wrap up the holidays, I have thought about how much I would one day love to host a family gathering and or party at my own home in the coming year. I have a few ideas including a house warming party, Easter Dinner, Mother’s Day, Christmas or New Year’s Eve. Depending on when we move and get settled in will depend on when all this happens, but I simply can’t wait!

8. Write 515 Blog Posts

I know I didn’t reach my goal of 500 blog posts in 2022, but I hope to reach this one in 2023. With my little one being a little more mobile and independent, I’m hopeful this will allow me to dive back into my hobby of writing.

9. Implement Fun and Structured Activities with my Son

As Matthew quickly emerges from baby to toddler, I would like to start doing more intentional, structural activities throughout the year. I have a few ideas like sensory bins/bags, art projects and outside activities.

10. Start Developing Our Homeschool Curriculum

As many of you know, I have degrees in Early Childhood Education and Child and Family Development. This is my field. I have always wanted to develop my own toddler/preschool curriculum.

My Word of the Year…

This year I have decided to include a word of the year. Something I want to ponder, remember and reflect on as each month passes this year. I asked my husband to think of a word for me. I said to think of the first word that comes to his head, and he said Resilience. I instantly thought it was perfect! No matter what this year brings, I’m going to have faith, trust in Jesus and come out with resilience.

Bring on 2023, cause I’m ready! 💕

Revising a Baby Routine for My 7 Month Old

A few months ago, I shared with you an ideal baby routine, I was hoping to establish with my baby by the time he was 6 months old. It went something like this….

We were able to implement this plan for awhile, but as my son grows and becomes more active, it is time that we make some revisions. Currently my son shows these tendencies throughout the day:

  • He nurses about 7-9 times in a 24 hour period.
  • He eats 3 purees a day. This was recommended by his pediatrician to help him adjust to solid food.
  • He takes 2 naps a day, usually the first is 30 minutes to an hour and 10 minutes long. The second is an hour and a half to two hours long.
  • The witching hour is about an hour before bed.
  • He wakes up between 7-8am.
  • He goes to bed between 7-8pm
  • We try to go outside at least once a day.
  • He gets a bath 2 to 3 times a week.
  • He isn’t sleeping through the night yet as we just entered the 9 moth sleep regression.

The following is the schedule we are striving for:

As you can see, I try to establish plenty of free play time, as well as structured time such as eating.

Here’s to hoping this schedule works, and will help us establish a good night’s rest.

If you liked this blog post, feel free to let me know in the comments! You can also check out my previous blog post ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Introducing Solid Foods

When my son was 4 months old, our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start solid foods. I was excited but very nervous about this new adventure. I took two weeks to do research before starting solid foods.

My husband and I decided on starting with purées as these seemed to be the most safe and best option for us. We first started with carrots and let me tell you, my son was not a fan. The carrots would go in and a moment later the carrots would go out. Three days later we tried butternut squash. This time he swallowed a few spoonfuls and the rest went all over his bib.

My son is now 6 months old and so far we have tried peas, carrots, butternut squash, apples, bananas, mango, chicken, green beans, prunes, cereal, pears and peaches. His favorites seem to be bananas, butternut squash and apples.

This solid food journey has been exciting and I can’t wait to see what other foods my son likes to try. 🙂

Tortilla Pizza Recipe

Okay, so this recipe was a simple idea from my momma that I couldn’t help but share.

If you were a 90’s kid, you probably grew up with these things called lunchables. One of my favorite lunchables was the kind with the mini pizzas. This recipe is very similar to that as you only need 4 ingredients.

What You Need…

  • Tortilla Shell
  • Marinara Sauce
  • Cheese (mozzarella, cheddar or parmesan)
  • Pepperonis

First, lay out a tortilla on a plate.

Next spread a few spoonfuls of sauce across the tortilla.

Then, sprinkle cheese over the sauce.

Finally, place pepperonis on tortilla.

Once your pizza is complete you can either cut it up like a pizza, or roll it up like a wrap.

TIP: This is a fun and easy recipe to make with kids!


Sprucing Up Baby Boy’s Nursery

In the past few weeks as our baby boy has gotten older, we have been sprucing up Baby Bear’s nursery!

This crib was a gift from family friends who buy storage units. It’s considered a mini crib which is perfect for apartment living. We also put up the animal pictures which were a gift from a coworker off of my registry,

A majority of our son’s books are in the living room, however I like to keep a couple in his bedroom for easy access and late night story time.

We have continued to keep his shelf with bins full of clothes and it is perfect and a very efficient system.

Matthew started rolling around 7 weeks of age. He is now 10 weeks as I write this. Between 7 and 8 weeks we transitioned Matthew from the bassinet to the crib. However, we have kept the bassinet and are using it as a diaper changing station until he fully grows out of it.

This diaper caddy has been a lifesaver. We love having everything accessible and organized for diaper changes.

I decided to also create a bath time basket where all his wash cloths, soaps, shampoos, extra diapers and brushes can be found. I also am hanging his towels on a hook nearby where it can be easily found. I am currently storing this in his room while we continue to give him baths in the kitchen sink. Once we switch to doing baths in the bathroom, I would imagine we will move everything there.

Finally, I’ve continued to store blankets, sheets, bibs, socks and shoes on this shelf.

Thanks for taking this fun little tour of our Baby Boy’s updated nursery! 💕

Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Ice Skating

Do you have some busy bees in your home who seem to constantly be on the move? Do you feel like the walls are closing in when it’s raining or too cold to send the kids outside? Do you ever run out of ideas of indoor activities to try with your kids?

Well, here is a simple idea that your kids will love! This activity is perfect for kids ages 2-5! All you need is these two around the house items: Paper Plates and Markers.

First, give your child two paper plates. Explain to them that you are going to create ice skates! Provide your child with markers to decorate the plates. You can even include other art supplies such as stickers, paint, glitter glue, etc.

Once your child has finished decorating their skates (paper plates), then place the plates on the floor. Demonstrate for your child how to step and slide on the carpet while remaining on the paper plates.

Once your child has mastered sliding across the room while using their ice skates, throw on some music and let them go to town!

My Top 10 Favorite Children’s Books

As a teacher, and now as a mom I have a love for children’s books. I own hundreds and use them within my classroom. Soon, I will be reading them to my son. Check out my top 10 favorite children’s books!

My Top 10 Favorite Children’s Books

  1. Llama llama and the Bully Goat
  2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  3. The Kissing Hand
  4. Read and Share Bible
  5. Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom
  6. M is for Michigan
  7. That’s Not My Sloth
  8. You Complete Me
  9. Horton Hears a Who?
  10. The Family Book

Did your favorite children’s book make the list? Comment below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Second Round of Baby Items

Here’s a quick look at some more of Baby Bear’s things!

Cute Dino outfit!

Adorable picture frame from another pregnant friend!

A couple of lovey’s 🥰

Another Cute Outfit!

So Precious!

We were gifted a milestone blanket! This is something I really wanted, and it even says Baby Bear! 🐻

Are these not the cutest Dino slippers you’ve ever seen!?

A Pair of Tom’s! And Daddy even wants to buy a pair to match 🙂

Tummy Time Tent!

Baby Monitors!

Some of his Toys/ Teethers

Some of his Pacifiers. I’m curious to see which ones he likes the most.

And of course, a small glimpse into his very large book collection!

Hope you enjoyed this second round of baby items. We can’t wait for baby boy to arrive and actually be able to use everything!!! 💕

Now Available! Mackenzie Goes to Heaven Children’s Book and Coloring Book!

Mackenzie Goes to Heaven is a children’s book, created for families who have gone through a pregnancy loss. It is designed to teach siblings and other children about the concept of miscarriage and how it affects a family, in a child friendly way.

Now, I have also created a coloring book to accompany this gentle children’s book.

Mackenzie Goes to Heaven Children’s Book is available for $7.70 + Shipping and Mackenzie Goes to Heaven Coloring Book is $5.00 + Shipping! Digital and Paperback copies are available.

Order Now!

Kid’s Corner: Color Sorting Activity

This homemade color sorting game is easy to make, and a fun way for kids to learn their colors. This activity is best for children ages 3 – 6.

What You Need

  • 5 Toilet Paper Tubes
  • Pom Poms (10 different colors)
  • Colored Paper (10 different colors)
  • Storage Container
  • Black Sharpie
  • Packing Tape
  • Scissors

What You Do

First, cut each paper towel tube into even halves, as straight as possible.

Next, write the name of each color on each piece of colored paper in black marker,

Next, wrap a piece of colored paper around each tube. Use clean packing tape to secure firmly.

Finally, cut off access paper along the edges of each tube.

Place each colored tube in a line.

Instruct your child to sort the colored pop poms into the correct colored tube.

To make this activity more challenging, set a timer and challenge your child to sort the colors before the timer rings.

Kid’s Corner: Homemade Bowling

Hey friends! This week I am sharing a fun homemade kids activity I found on Pinterest. This activity is called toilet paper roll bowling.

Toilet Paper Roll Bowling

What You Need

1. 10 Toilet Paper Rolls

2. White Paper

3. Red and Black Markers

4. Aluminum Foil

5. Clear Packing Tape

What You Do

First, wrap white paper around each toilet paper roll.

Hold paper firmly on rolls using tape.

Write one number on each roll using a black marker.

Draw a red stripe on the top and bottom of roll using a red marker.

Create a bowling ball by wrapping and crushing aluminum foil until it is the size of your choice.

Once complete, set up the rolls or pins into a pyramid type shape.

There you go!